Contact Us
ARA Midtown
901 W 38th St, Suite 100
Phone: (512) 519-3456
Hours: Monday-Friday • 8:00am-5:00pm
Referral FAX number: (512) 836-8869
The Theranostics Center
(512) 519-3456, ex. 2351 or [email protected]
To make an appointment for an exam or treatment,
please call (512) 453-6100 from 7:00am-7:00pm.
Pay my bill
Phone: (512) 453-6100 • Option 5
Hours: Monday-Friday • 7:00am-5:00pm
Request medical records
Submit an online request for electronic medical records
(Reports available online and images on CD mailed
within 24-48 hours. Please allow 3-5 days for delivery
of CDs via US Mail.)
Submit a request to pick up your medical records at an ARA clinic.
Share your experience with us
[email protected]
Hours: Monday-Friday • 8:00am-5:00pm
Information on language translation
Important contact information
Patient Scheduling: (512) 453-6100
Referral FAX number: (512) 836-8869
Provider Relations Associates (PRA): (512) 731-2254
Patient Rights and Privacy
Corporate headquarters
12554 Riata Vista Circle, Austin, TX 78727
Phone: (512) 795-5100
Hours: Monday-Friday • 8:00am-5:00pm
FAX number: (512) 836-8869
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